WOSEN emphasizes social entrepreneurship for women
Temiskaming Shores, Tuesday 24 November, 2020 - The passion for entrepreneurship is growing every year , but what about the place of women in Ontario’s economic landscape? The Cooperation Council of Ontario (CCO), in partnership with the Women of Ontario Social Enterprise Network (WOSEN), is organizing workshops around the introduction to social entrepreneurship for women.
And what if you become an entrepreneur? Are you a French-speaking woman in Northern Ontario with a business idea? Does this idea have a cause or the community at heart? If this describes you, the CCO will provide an opportunity to talk about and to get answers to questions about the feasibility of their entrepreneurship project.
‘’This four-module program is designed to raise awareness among Francophone women in Northern Ontario about social enterprise, including the development of ideas, the mental preparation required and the exploration of her environment in order to determine if there is a market for her business idea‘’ emphasizes Annie Joyal, Manager in Temiskaming Shores.
We recognize the support of the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario. This project contributes to a thoughtful, women-centered approach to serving all Francophone women who wish to start a business in Ontario.
In the North, the first module will start on Thursday, December 3. Registration will be open from November 12th to the 29th and the registration form will be available on WOSEN’s website. The link to the registration form will soon be available on the CCO’s and on WOSEN’s websites, as well as through a variety of social media.
It should be noted that our partners mécènESS and ACFO SDG are also placing Ontario women at the heart of Francophone entrepreneurship issues and are organizing their own programming in southern and in eastern Ontario
‘’We will also adjust the schedule as best we can to accommodate the availability of participants in order to allow for their full participation” adds Paula Haapanen, Northern Manager for the Cooperation Council of Ontario.
Encouraging women’s entrepreneurship means addressing the issue of equality between women and men, breaking down stereotypes and promoting economic growth.
About the Cooperation Council of Ontario The Conseil de la coopération de l’Ontario
uses cooperation as a development model for Ontario’s francophone and bilingual communities. It ensures the development and growth of cooperatives and social enterprises, strengthens community collaboration, produces high-level research, manages high potential organizations and connects collective enterprises in Ontario and around the world.
About WOSEN The Women of Ontario Social Enterprise Network (WOSEN) is a network led by Pillar Nonprofit Network alongside the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), Social Venture Connexion (SVX) and NORDIK Institute’ Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (SEE).
For more information, please contact:
Paula Haapanen
Northern Manager
Cooperation Council of Ontario
705-560-1121 ext. 101
Annie Joyal
Cooperation Council of Ontario
705-560-1121 ext. 115